Saturday, September 22, 2007

Weekend wrap-up.

Thursday night: The Hoodoo Gurus concert was fabbo. I forgot how many great songs they have, and left wishing they'd played for another couple of hours. Quick set list, from memory: I Want You Back, Leilani, I Was A Kamikaze Pilot, Bittersweet, In The Wild, Like Wow - Wipeout, Out That Door, What's My Scene, Come Anytime, Miss Free Love '69, 1000 Miles Away, Form A Circle, and a lot of newer stuff I wasn't familiar with. Oddly, they didn't sound as tight as they did when I saw them (cough) eighteen years ago, but they were still great. Opening act was Radio Birdman -- one of Australia's very first punk groups -- and Marjorie bought the t-shirt.

Friday: My soccer team's "vote count" night, where they tallied all the votes we'd been submitting after each game for top three players. As I knew, this was an off year for me, and I wasn't even in the top three vote getters for any individual game. But I finished tenth overall, which is not bad. Fun night though.

Saturday: Watched the first three installments of the "Up" Series, which chronicles the lives of a group of Britons from different classes, starting at age 7 and revisiting them every seven years. I highly recommend it; it's thoroughly engrossing. We'll probably watch the next three tonight, which will only leave the most recent episode which just came out (49 Up).

Today: Laika's getting a house call from the vet. Who makes house calls anymore?

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