Saturday, July 19, 2003

At last, a photo from Sydney. I'm looking more and more like my dad every day, it seems... We have other photos, but they weren't taken with the digital, so this is all you get right now.
Nature walk. We went back to the Fort MacRitchie reservoir today, in an effort to check out the tree-top canopy walkway we recently learned they've set up. Unfortunately, the tree-top walk was about a 4.5 km walk in, so we only just walked some of the other nature trails. New bird: the terminally drab Olive-Winged Bulbul. Also saw another Greater Racquet-Tailed Drongo, some swifts, a kingfisher, a (water?) monitor lizard, a lot of turtles, and a lot of these guys. They weren't that happy to see us, it seems; they kept dropping sticks on us. Just one would've been a coincidence; after the third, we figured we ought to move on.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction contest results have been posted. This is the contest where the object is to come up with the worst possible opening line for a novel. I was going to enter this year, but I couldn't firm up my entry in time. Next year maybe. There's some good ones this year; as usual, they aren't the ones that won.
Random observation. If you were dropped here (by the hand of the Astronaut?) in Singapore, at some random place, within your frame of vision there would likely be:
  • Ten highrise apartment buildings
  • Twenty people
  • Thirty trees
  • Five cars
  • Five mynah birds
  • Two ravens
  • No litter
  • Wednesday, July 16, 2003

    Birthday dinner. We just got back from our favorite Thai restaurant (Diandin Leluk), and again, we talked about it the whole ride home. This time, though, we talked about how disappointing it was. They must've changed chefs. We are so bummed.

    During dinner we were also accosted by a manic, mostly-toothless man who walked up to our table and engaged us in a conversation that went something like this:

    Him: You are Americans?
    Me: Uh...
    Him: From America?
    Me: We, uh, live in Singapore.
    Him: But you are Americans? They are friends with Cuba now, yes?
    Me: I guess...
    Marjorie: Not really...
    Him: They are friends, and Jimmy Carter went to visit with them?
    Us: ...
    Him: They also have great music there, huh? [Imitates a trumpet player]
    Us: ...

    He left, finally. Not sure what that was all about.

    Marjorie got me the new White Stripes CD, another CD by the Eels, a Ben Franklin biography (I've been on a biography kick lately), and a new shirt I like very much.

    Tuesday, July 15, 2003

    Aw, shucks. Yes, my 28th year was pretty crazy. Let's hope my 29th is even more so! *

    I just, at long last, picked up my employment pass, making me an official resident here. That's a nice birthday present. I'm 2 Legit 2 Quit!

    * Note: Figures presented may not represent actual age.
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Dear Mark(ie)
    Happy Birthday to you!!
    Hip Hip hooray!
    Hip Hip hooray!
    Hip Hip hooray!

    Last three lines courtesy of our trip Down Under (that's how they do it there).

    Happy Birthday Baby! It's been quite a year, hasn't it?

    Monday, July 14, 2003

    Words of wisdom:

    BILL MOYERS: Which is funnier? CROSSFIRE or HARD BALL?

    JON STEWART: CROSSFIRE or HARD BALL? Which is funnier? Which is more soul-crushing, you mean? Both are equally dispiriting in their -- the whole idea that political discourse has degenerated into shows that have to be entitled Crossfire and Hard Ball. And, you know, I'm Gonna Beat Your Ass or whatever they're calling them these days is-- mind-boggling.

    Crossfire, especially, is completely an apropos name. It's what innocent bystanders are caught in when gangs are fighting. And-- it just boggles my mind that that's given a half hour, an hour a day to-- I don't understand how issues can be dissented-- from the left and from the right as though-- even cartoon characters have more than left and right. They have up and down.

    Read on. Very funny stuff, and wise. I miss The Daily Show. We do get it once a week, but it's not enough...

    Sunday, July 13, 2003

    Ouchy. More soccer follies. Marjorie came out to the game with me today, and got to witness me block a full-on shot with the worst part of your body that you can block a shot with. The sort of block that leaves you rolling on ground in a fetal position, hands cupped... I was able to keep playing, fortunately, but I'm still a little tender. We again beat a team that totally outplayed us, so bully for us defenders. I played like ass though.

    New birds spotted: a pair of brown-capped woodpeckers, and a flock of Asian glossy starlings, who seem to be our new neighbors...