Monday, April 09, 2012

See you on the other side

Yeah, so, for a long time I kept this blog and a separate one with much the same content.  The idea was, here, I would kind of be unedited, where the other, currently called The Dog's Breakfast, was kind of a sanitized version for consumption by those with more tender sensibilities.  I can't be arsed (Australian term) to update two blogs anymore these days -- I can hardly be arsed to update one.  But I've posted some updates there recently, and will probably just stop updating this one.  So if you're one of the... one or two people left who still follow this blog, please switch on over to the other.

Monday, January 09, 2012

The problem with having an ongoing blog is that when you haven't posted in a while, it means you have a lot to post about, which makes putting it off that much easier. So to heck with it. If there's some big things I didn't post about -- like, say, a trip to Europe -- I'm just going to forget about them and move on.

I will at least mention that the book I contributed a chapter to -- Mindhacker: 60 Tips, Tricks, and Games to Take Your Mind to the Next Level -- is out. I think it's even better than the first one (Mind Performance Hacks (that I contributed a couple of chapters to)) and the reviews seem to bear that out.

Not to be outdone, a high school friend of mine has written a whole book, and the reviews have been phenomenal. I knew him when.

Oh, and somehow all the comments you all submitted recently were sitting there waiting for me to approve them for months but I never got email notification. So they're approved now, sorry.

Mid-summer here now but it's been a pretty cool season so far. Lots of fun parties and such, and trips to the park with Hamish. He's settled in and accepts us now as his pack, but is still pretty cheeky. But he has lots of dog friends at the park. His favorite game is chasing other dogs who are chasing a ball, and try to run ahead of them and cut them off. It's good because it means other dogs' owners exercise our dog for us.