Saturday, October 15, 2005

Teacher's pet? My soccer team's end-of-year banquet was last night, in a natty little upstairs function room in town. Pretty fun. Lots of greasy hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and awards. I took home the coach's player of the year award (for the thirds team) which was a nice surprise.
Read this, then this.

Friday, October 14, 2005

For a while I've been keeping a list of the IMDB's Top 250 movies, and checking them off as I go. Others apparently like to do the same sort of thing, judging from this new web site. A link to the movies I've seen can be found via the new link over on the right side under the kangaroo picture.

What's the highest ranked movie you've never seen?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Three posts about the same book? Sorry, but I just finished that diary, and man, they need to make a movie about it. Since I reported last:
  • The remaining Jews, the guy included, received orders to appear at SS headquarters in two days times with a packed suitcase, for what everyone knew was a death march. He was one of the ones that had to go help deliver the orders.
  • The night before they were supposed to appear, Dresden was firebombed.
  • In the resulting confusion he decided to cut the Jewish star off his jacket and run for it.
  • He and his wife joined the throngs of refugees fleeing the city.
  • Through a series of close calls, phony ids, and continual near starvation, they make their way as far as Munich.
  • They are near Dachau when the Americans arrive, and he witnessed survivors, the walking dead, still in their blue and white striped linen.
    It all reads like Hollywood. Perhaps most interesting were his reports of the reactions of the people as the war ended and they came to realize that they had been fed humongous pack of lies. Naturally, those that were clued in knew all along (including all the atrocities); on the other end of the spectrum, there were plenty who kept on believing, but of course denied involvement.
  • "Mo"vember. A bunch of guys at work are planning on using the month of November to grow mustaches. They're calling it "Mo"vember. There'll be judging at the end of the month; I don't know what the prize is, but I thought about participating. Marjorie thinks it would be hilarious if I did.

    I think it would be funny, but I like my jokes to last somewhat less long than a month. I don't see it happening.

    Wednesday, October 12, 2005

    More Aussie-isms.

    To rock up: to show up, especially at a social event. "You all go on to the pub; I'll rock up in a half hour or so."

    To shit: to bother. "That new guy may be smart, but he really shits me."

    Ye: you (plural). Actually, I think this is an Irishism. "You can work on this by yourself, or the two of ye can finish it together."

    Upon noticing my Irish coworker using this last one, I told her the similar rule used in the Southern US: "y'all" is singular, "all y'all" is plural. She got a big kick out of that.

    Monday, October 10, 2005

    Sufficient density. It used to be that you could know pretty much everything about computers, but not any more -- not by a long shot. (The same could be said of mathematics, physics, or several other fields.) In the IT business, you really have to pick and choose what you learn. There's always a buzz of new ideas, which is what makes it such a fun field, but which ideas are worthwhile, and which are a waste of time? Some people just seem to try out everything that sounds cool, and revel in that approach, but not me. I have to wait until I hear a thing mentioned in enough places before my interest is piqued.

    Which is a long way of explaining that I've set up a list of my favorite links on I'm a little dubious that a site for publicly listing your favorite links will have the broad social implications that some people are predicting for it. But it's reached sufficient density to at least appear on my radar. And at least I'll get to access my hot links from anywhere. So what, beeg deal.
    Snobservation. A sure sign of mediocrity in a restaurant: do they use iceberg lettuce in anything?
    I'm With Stupid! I had Marjorie look over one of my chapter submissions for the book I'm contributing to. Among other things, she pointed out that in one place I used the word "stupider" instead of "more stupid".
