Saturday, November 28, 2009

Xmas Party

A few lousy shots from my office Xmas party, same place as the Thanksgiving do we went to last week, and the same lousy weather...

Butterfly Club

We stopped by one of Melbourne's nuttier nightclubs, The Butterfly Club, for a tipple this evening:

It's in an old hotel, and each room is decorated differently. The main attraction is that have actual cabaret, though we have yet to see it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Big winners! We had an epic night at trivia tonight at the Cornish Arms - there were only four of us, but not only did we win first place ($50) for the second week in a row, we also won the $175 bonus question (they add $25 every week until someone gets it) by correctly answering these three questions:

  • What chemical element has the lowest boiling point?

  • What inappropriately-named land is known as Kalaallit Nunaat by its natives?

  • With 89.5 million visitors, what country drew the most tourists last year?

Of course, it's all bar money, meaning we have to go back...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The morning crush outside Flinders Street Station:

The pedestrian walk signal gives pedestrians the whole intersection.