Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Guinea piggery. One of Marjorie's cow orkers who's working on a psych degree gave me an IQ test this evening, and boy is my brain tired. This was the face-to-face interactive test (not an online mouse-clicky thing) and is a lot more full-on than you might expect. There were 14 tests, and most seemed to start out easy, and ended with you feeling stupid. Here's a run-down of the sections, and a representative question from each:

  • Information - "Who was Mahatma Ghandi?"
  • Comprehension - "Why is it necessary for the government to collect taxes?"
  • Arithmetic - "An item is on sale for one third off the original price. Its sale price is $400. What is the original price?"
  • Similarities/Differences - "In what way are a friend and an enemy alike?"
  • Vocabulary - "Define 'tangible'."
  • Digit span - "Repeat these digits backwards: 4,3,6,2,8."
  • Letter-Number Sequencing - "Given this sequence, tell me the digits in order, followed by the letters in order: 5,K,2,P,1,J,9,Q."
  • Performance - "What's missing from this picture?" (A typical picture: two people running along the beach, one leaving no footprints.)
  • Digit Symbol - Coding - Each digit had a code, and I had to draw the code for a sequence of numbers.
  • Block Design - "Which picture completes the block?"
    Matrix Reasoning - "Which picture completes the sequence?"
    Picture Arrangement - "These cards each have a picture on them. Arrange them so the scene makes a logical story."
    Symbol Search - "Circle 'Yes' if one of the two symbols on the left appears in the list of five symbols on the right, 'No' otherwise."
    Object Assembly - "Arrange these puzzle pieces into a coherent picture."

    This after a long day of programming. But it was interesting. I get the results in a week or two.
  • Sunday, August 06, 2006

    For the record, I just had my second visual migraine. Woo hoo.

    There's a ping pong tournament going on at work, and I'm all bitter because I had planned on at least making it to the quarter finals (where I would have had to play a guy that used to be ranked sixth in Australia) and instead I went out in the second round. I was winning the first game 16-7, then just kind of froze up and started trying not to hit the ball into the net, which of course always results in hitting the ball into the net. To the other guy's credit, he took me off my game. Nuts. I blew $10 on a quality new paddle too.

    But soccer's going good; my fitness is back and my hip has seemingly made a full recovery. There are hints here and there that the weather is warming up. Fish are jumping. The cotton is high.