Friday, April 03, 2009

Laika's leg lumps weren't getting any smaller, so we took her in yesterday to have them removed and biopsied. We picked her up in the evening. She was happy to see us but still wound up whimpering for six hours straight when we got her home. She kept wanting to go out back, we thought to go pee, but then would get there, whimper a bit, and want to come straight back in. She would sleep a few hours but then wake us up, whimpering. It was heartbreaking. I don't know how parents put up with colicky babies who cry for months.

She had been leaving the bandage alone for the most part, so we didn't put her in her Elizabethan collar overnight, but then she snuck off at some point and chewed half of it off. So we took her back to the vet this morning, and now she gets to have the bandage off but definitely needs to wear her collar. For good or ill, though, her demeanor is back to normal, meaning she's full of beans and not wanting to take it easy like she needs to. Stupid pea-brain dog.