Thursday, July 22, 2004

Tooting own horn. I seem to be getting a lot more action on the job front. The turnabout seemed to come after I was informed by one recruiter that while the American way is to limit your resume/CV to one or two pages, the way to get a job here is to expound. So now I'm sending out a four and a half pager that details everything. Fifteen seconds after I was off the phone with one recruiter this morning, another called. It's a little early to start predicting rampant success, though.

I have to relearn how to spell my name out loud again. I had gotten used to saying "zed" instead of "zee" in Singapore, but now I've discovered that "aitch" is actually pronounced "haitch" in Australia.

We had an epic first night of bar trivia the other night. Not because we did so well (we did all right until falling apart at the end) but because we met a bunch of people afterwards. There was another team there (two people from Scotland and one Brit/Australian) that we hooked up with after the game and ended up closing the place down. Towards the end we joined up with another guy and girl who were flight attendants for Emirates Airlines on a layover (they were Brits living in Dubai). We ended up partying with them at another bar (Frostbite?) up the street until 3 a.m.

A new location, a new look and feel for the blog. Let me know what you think.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Things that I forgot about cold weather:
  • The feeling of a cold toilet seat.
  • How hard it is to get out of bed in the morning.
  • How good it feels to take a long inhale of cold morning air through your nostrils.
  • The feeling of standing in the shower with warm water flowing on your back, while the rest of your body is shivering.
  • How good I look in winter clothes.