Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Five things I'm excited about:

1. We have tickets to see The Polyphonic Spree at the Forum and the Shins at the Corner Hotel.

2. We found the necessary centerpiece for my traditional Christmas eve dinner -- pierogies. It won't be the same without my grandmother cooking them, though. We also have a turkey for Christmas.

3. On Christmas Eve the Cassini probe we sent to Saturn will start the process of dropping a probe onto Saturn's moon Titan. This may be the last, best chance to see anything like this in my lifetime.

4. Books, books, books. I had forgotten how many I had. I'm trying to simultaneously re-read Catch-22, Beatlesongs, and The Winter Of Our Discontent.

5. Some time off. Since the office is moving, tomorrow is the last day I can work until at least the 4th of January. Which kind of sucks while I'm contracting, but it is still time off.

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